The Athlete Factory believes that with the right support and knowledge, you can truly get the results you want.
That’s why we created the AF training app, which provides you with exclusive access to programming, knowledge, and one-on-one support from our elite coaches. And, together, we monitor everything you do in our facility to ensure you’re getting the very best results.
Your programme is delivered via our interactive smart phone app, which explains all exercises and techniques through easy-to-understand videos and descriptions.
Our app tracks your progress and links perfectly to other devices like FitBit and My Fitness Pal, so you get the monitoring and tools to guarantee a fitter, stronger and leaner you. With this monitoring, you become accountable and we can support you 24/7 through the live messaging on the app.
The app is a crucial tool for us to give the care, knowledge and support to every member.

Step 1 Initialise

Step 2 Profile

Step 3 Plan

Step 4 Optimise

Step 5 Results
*The Small Print
The important legal stuff.
Before you begin any exercise programme or begin to follow any of the recommendations, advice or other instructions in this website you should first consult your doctor and have a physical examination.
The recommendations, advice and instructions contained within this website and training app, are in no way intended to replace or to be construed as medical advice and is offered for informational purposes only.
By subscribing you agree that you understand that your use of the Service is solely at your own risk. You expressly acknowledge and agree that THE ATHLETE FACTORY shall not be held responsible for any damage, loss, or injury to persons or property caused, or alleged to have been caused, directly or indirectly, by any instruction, information, product, or ideas provided, suggested or referenced on THE ATHLETE FACTORY website or online training, the Service, or the Content.
No advice or information, whether oral or written, obtained by you from THE ATHLETE FACTORY or through the Service shall create any warranty not expressly made herein. Their respective agents, heirs, assigns, contractors, and employees shall not be liable for any claims, demands, damages, rights of action or causes of action, present or future, arising out of or connected to the use of any of the information contained in this website, including any injuries resulting therefrom.